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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

हल्के और आर्गेनिक रंगों और अच्छी क्वालिटी के गुलाल का इस्तेमाल करें। अगर कोई होली खेलने के लिए आपके घर आता है तो भी आप उन्हें अपना रंग आॅफर करें, न कि उनके द्वारा लाए हुए रंगों के साथ होली खेलें। किसी और के घर अथवा बाहर होली खेलने जाते समय भी अपने रंग साथ ले जाए और अगर जहां तक हो सके इन्हीं रंगों का इस्तेमाल करें। बेहतर और सही रंगों  के इस्तेमाल का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है गाढ़े, खतरनाक रंगों और पेंट जैसी चीजों  के इस्तेमाल से बचें।

होली के रंगों से खेलने के खाद धूप में बैठने से बचिए ।

होली खेलने के बाद धूप में बैठने से शरीर पर रग सूख जाएंगे और इन्हें निकालने में परेशानी हो सकती है ।

जितनी जल्दी हो सके नहाए । 

होली खेलने के बाद जितनी जल्दी हो सके नहाएं। इससे रंगों को सूखने का वक्त नहीं मिलेगा और इससे यह आपकी त्वचा और सिर में चिपकेंगे नहीं ।

सिर की त्वचा में त्तेल लगाए। 

होली खेलने से पहले सिर्फ बालों में तेल न लगाएं । अपने बालों और खासतौर से सिर की त्वचा में अच्छी त्तरह से तेल लगाएं जिससे इनके बीच एक परत बन जाए। अगर बालों में अच्छी तरह से तेल लगा होगा तो इनमें रंग चिपकते नहीं हैं। आप कोई भी तेल लगा सकते हैं  लेकिन अगर आपको यह पसंद नहीं है तो आप आॅलिव आॅयल और कैस्टोर आॅयल का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।

स्कार्फ अथवा रूमाल का इस्तेमाल।

होली खेलने के दौरान जहां तक हो सके खुद को ढक्कर रखें। अपने बालों को  सुरक्षित रखने लिए महिला व पुरुष दोनों ही अलग µ अलग तरह से अपने बालों को बांध सकते हैं। इससे बाल सुरक्षित रहेंगे।

बालों को धोएं और शैम्पू करें।

बालों को धोने के लिए गुनगुने पानी का इस्तेमाल करना चहिए, लेकिन यह ध्यान रखिए कि पानी जादा गर्म न हो । लाइट शैम्पू या हर्बल शैम्पू का इस्तेमाल कीजिए । इसके बाद बालों में कोई अच्छा कंडीशनर इस्तेमाल करें। रगों की वजह से आए रुखेपन से निजात के लिए कंडीशनर जरूरी है।

आज हमने आपको अपने बालों पर होली के रंगों के दुष्प्रभाव को रोकने के बेहतरीन उपाय बताये हैं  । , अगर आप और अधिक जानना चाहते हैं या इस तरह ब्लॉग चाहते हैं तो कृपया हमें अपनी बहुमूल्य प्रतिक्रिया या सुझाव के साथ लिखें, हम पढ़ने के लिए हमारे पाठकों का धन्यवाद करते हैं | मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस ब्लॉग ने आपको प्रासंगिक जानकारी दी है जिसे आप देख रहे हैं? यदि आप इस ब्लॉग को पसंद करते हैं तो हम आपसे साझा करने, पसंद और टिप्पणी करने के लिए अनुरोध करेंगे और कृपया हमारे ब्लॉग चैनल की सदस्यता लें।

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

लगातार छींकें, नाक से पानी आना, आंख व नाक में खुजली रहना एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस के लक्षण है। इनके बने रहने पर संूघने की क्षमता में कमी, नेजल पोलिप कान सम्बन्धी रोग, अस्थमा आदि समस्याएं हो सकती है। इनसे निजात पाने के लिए अपनी दिनचर्या में कुछ बातों का खास ध्यान रखना होगा क्योंकि कीईं भी दवा या
सर्जरी एलर्जी का र्पूण व स्थायी हल नहीं है। दवाएं इसे नियंत्रित कर सकती है लेकिन एलर्जी  को जड़ से दूर नहीं कर सकती । 

ऐसे में निम्न सावधानियां मददगार हो सकती हैं। 

धूल, धुंए व ठंड से बचिए । जरूरत पड़ने पर मास्क का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। झाड़ू आदि की

धूल उड़ते समय मुंह व नाक को कपड़े से ढांक कर रखिए।

घर के पर्दे बेडशीट, चादर, कालीन को हमेशां साफ रखिए। धूल जमने से बचाने के लिए इन
पर प्लास्टिक कवर भी लगाया जा सकता हंै। 

झाड़ू से सूखी सफाई करने के बजाए गीले कपड़े से साफ कीजिए। वैक्यूम क्लीनर का प्रयोग भी कर सकत्ते हैं।

घर की दीवारों पर फंगस न जमने दे । फंगस होन पर ब्लीच से साफ कीजिए।

फर व बांल वाले जानवरों से दूर रहिए । साॅॅफट टोंयज से भी बचना चाहिए।

तेज गंध वाले परफ्यूम, इत्र, अगरबत्ती के धुंए आदि से दूर रहना चाहिए व बेहतर होगा ।

धूम्रपान न करें और न ही ऐसे लोगों के आस- पास रहें, जो धूम्रपान कर रहे हों।

कार या गाड़ी में जहा तक सभंव हो सके खिड़की के शीशे चढाकर रखिए । जरूरत के अनुसार ही एसी का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। 

घर में काॅकरोच व चूहों के प्रवेश पर नियंत्रण रखें । 

घर में अनुपयोगी पुराने फर्नीचर, गद्दे पुरानी फाइलों, किताबों व जूतंे-चप्पलों को  इकट्रठा न होने दें।

पेड़ - पौधों के फूलों से निकलने वाले कुछ छोटे - छोटे कण जिन्हें पोलेन्स कहते है एलर्जन्स के रुप में हवा में विचरण करते है। सुबह 10 बजें से पहले व सूर्यास्त के बाद वातावरण में पोलेन्स का स्तर सर्वाधिक रहता है। इनके संर्पक में आने से बचिए।

खाने की किसी चीजं से एलर्जी हो सकती है जैसे डेयरी पदार्थ, या कुछ पैक्ड पदार्थों में शामिल
एडीटीव्स आदि। ज्ञात होने पर इनसे बचना चहिए ।

एलर्जी के लक्षणों की अनदेखी न करें। एंटीएलर्जिक दवाएं या स्प्रे से इसे नियंत्रित कीजिए ।

आज हमने आपको राइनाइटिस के लक्षणनों के बारे मैं बताया और इसके उपाय भी बताएं  , अगर आप और अधिक जानना चाहते हैं या इस तरह ब्लॉग चाहते हैं तो कृपया हमें अपनी बहुमूल्य प्रतिक्रिया या सुझाव के साथ लिखें, हम पढ़ने के लिए हमारे पाठकों का धन्यवाद करते हैं यह ब्लॉग, मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस ब्लॉग ने आपको प्रासंगिक जानकारी दी है जिसे आप देख रहे हैं? यदि आप इस ब्लॉग को पसंद करते हैं तो हम आपसे साझा करने, पसंद और टिप्पणी करने के लिए अनुरोध करेंगे और कृपया हमारे ब्लॉग चैनल की सदस्यता लें।

Monday, February 19, 2018

दूरसंचार युद्ध किसी भी समय जल्द समाप्त नहीं होने जा रहा है क्योंकि कंपनियां प्रतिस्पर्धा पर बढ़त हासिल करने के लिए दूसरे के बाद एक योजना में संशोधन कर रही हैं। अब Reliance JIO ने ग्राहकों को लुभाने के लिए मौजूदा योजनाओं को संशोधित किया। प्रीपेड योजनाओं के अलावा, अपनी बूस्टर योजनाओं में भी संशोधन किया है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को अपने Daily Data Limit को समाप्त करने वाले समान 4G Speed वाले लोगों का अनुभव करने में सक्षम बनाता है। इसलिए, यहां 20 Tariff Plans हैं, जो पिछले सप्ताह रिलायंस जियो ने संशोधित की हैं।

JIO Plans 2018

Rs.11 Booster Pack के तहत, कंपनी अब 400 MB 4 G Data दे रही है। इससे पहले, Telco एक ही योजना के तहत 200 MB Data पेश करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया करते थे, बूस्टर पैक आपकी मौजूदा योजना की वैधता पर काम करता है।

Reliance JIO द्वारा पेश की गई नई योजना 21 रुपये ki है। योजना के तहत, उपयोगकर्ताओं को अपनी Daily Limit निकालने के बाद 1 GB Data मिलेंगी और उनकी मूल योजना के रूप में इसकी समान वैधता है।

Rs. 51 की योजना के तहत, JIO अब 3 GB दे रहा है। इससे पहले, टेलीकॉम ने 51 बस्टर योजना के तहत 2 GB Data की पेशकश की थी। योजना की उपयोगकर्ताओं की मौजूदा योजना के रूप में एक ही वैधता है।

Rs. 101 Booster योजना में उपयोगकर्ताओं को 6GB Data प्रदान की गई है। इसमें उपयोगकर्ता की मौजूदा योजना के रूप में उसी दिन की वैधता होगी।

Rs. 149 के तहत Reliance JIO Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग और प्रतिदिन 100 SMS 1.5 GB की पेशकश कर रहा है। यह योजना 28 Days की वैधता के साथ आता है।

Reliance JIO से Rs. 198 Plan के तहत प्रति दिन 2 GB Data की FUP सीमा के साथ 56 GB डेटा प्रदान करती है। कुल मिलाकर, उपयोगकर्ताओं को 28 Days की अवधि के लिए 56 GB Data मिलेगा। उपयोगकर्ता योजना के तहत प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD फोन कर सकते हैं।

Rs. 299 की योजना कंपनी से सबसे सस्ता है जो प्रति दिन 3 GB Data प्रदान करती है। 28 Days के लिए वैध, यह योजना सभी में 84 GB Data प्रदान करती है। उपयोगकर्ता योजना के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉल भी कर सकते हैं।

Reliance JIO से Rs. 349 का Plan 70 Days की अवधि के लिए Daily 1.5 GB Data प्रदान करता है। इसके साथ ही, उपयोगकर्ताओं को Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग और प्रतिदिन 100 SMS भी अनुभव हो सकते हैं।

Rs. 398 Plan एक और पैक है जो प्रति दिन 2 GB Data प्रदान करती है। कंपनी 140 GB Data दे रही है जो 70 Days के लिए वैध है। इस योजना में Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग प्रति दिन 100 SMS हैं।

Rs. 399 Plan  के तहत 126 GB Data प्रदान करती है और 84 Days की वैधता के साथ आता है। उपयोगकर्ताओं की Daily FUP 1.5GB की सीमा है यह योजना प्रति दिन 100 SMS और Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग भी प्रदान करती है।

Rs. 448 की योजना के तहत, कंपनी प्रति दिन 2GB Data डाटा देगी। यह योजना 84 दिनों की वैधता के साथ आता है और उपयोगकर्ताओं को 168 GB का कुल Data मिलेगा। यह योजना प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग प्रदान करती है।

Rs. 449 Plan के तहत, दूरसंचार ऑपरेटर 136 GB Data पेश कर रहा है जो 91 दिनों की अवधि के लिए वैध है। यह योजना 1.5 GB Data की Daily FUP सीमा के साथ आता है। Data के अलावा, उपयोगकर्ता Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग का भी आनंद ले सकते हैं।

JIO से Rs. 498 Plan के तहत 182 GB कुल Data प्रदान करता है और 91 दिनों की वैधता के साथ आता है। उपयोगकर्ता के पास 2 GB की दैनिक FUP सीमा होगी और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग का लाभ मिलेगा।

Rs. 509 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को Daily 4GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 28 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है और सभी में 112 GB Data प्रदान करता है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

Rs. 799 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को Daily 5GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 28 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है और सभी में 140 GB Data प्रदान करता है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

Rs. 999 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को 60 GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 90 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

Rs. 1999 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को 125 GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 180 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

Rs. 4999 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को 350 GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 360 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

Rs. 9999 की योजना उपयोगकर्ताओं को 750 GB Data प्रदान करती है। यह योजना 360 Days की अवधि के लिए मान्य है। उपयोगकर्ता और उन्हें प्रति दिन 100 SMS के साथ Unlimited Local और STD कॉलिंग पर सुविधा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

आज हमने Relaince JIO की सभी अपडेटेड टैरिफ योजनाओं के बारे में जानकारी साझा की है, अगर आप अधिक जानना चाहते हैं या इस तरह ब्लॉग चाहते हैं तो कृपया हमें अपनी बहुमूल्य प्रतिक्रिया या सुझाव के साथ लिखें, हम पढ़ने के लिए हमारे पाठकों का धन्यवाद करते हैं यह ब्लॉग, मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस ब्लॉग ने आपको प्रासंगिक जानकारी दी है जिसे आप देख रहे हैं? यदि आप इस ब्लॉग को पसंद करते हैं तो हम आपसे साझा करने, पसंद और टिप्पणी करने के लिए अनुरोध करेंगे और कृपया हमारे ब्लॉग चैनल की सदस्यता लें।

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Are you worried about where and which place to visit in Dubai for holidays ?? if yes then we will be solving this problem by telling you where and which place to visit in Dubai?  Dubai is a most popular, known and amazing city not in UAE but in the world and is considered as a global city and business centre in the Middle East. There are many places you can visit in Dubai, this city is very well known for its architectural wonders such as Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa and to see artificial islands such as Palm Jumeirah and Dubai Miracle Gardens.

This is the place for all shopping enthusiasts and adventure travellers, you can start your travel by booking a cheap flight to Dubai and once your reach Dubai your journey finally begins. This city has got a history, which houses ancient and modern attractions and is an ideal place to go for a vacation with the family. Hometown residents from the depths of the heart make your journey happy and memorable. If you come here for pleasure or for business, travellers of Dubai also get to see the authentic Arabs' traditional winnings with the highest international standards streamlined.

An intimate blend of cosmopolitan city and surrounding sand dunes, Dubai is a city built for some top-class hotels, leisure activities and a great shopping experience. There are some priceless pieces of history that are present in Dubai, which offer glimpses of the past era.

Tourist Destinations in Dubai

Here is the list of places where you can visit in Dubai, Dubai's museum, Home of Sheikh Saeed, Bastakiya, Hatta Heritage Village, Burj Nahar, Sheikh Obaid bin Thani House, Burj Dubai Creekside Promessed and Philette House. It is also a great place for culinary culinary experts. Taste the exotic and local dishes out of most parts of the world here.

See Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa in Dubai's wonders of its modern architecture. Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel which is usually described as the world's only 7-star hotel. Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper 828 meter high in Dubai, which use to be the world's tallest building. Tourist attractions in Dubai include dolphinarium, cable car, camel ride, horse carriage and bird shows. There is a large indoor skiing facility in Ski Dubai Mall of Emirates.

Food and Shopping Places

Where you go in Dubai you will find a fun, delicious and food of your choice. Here you will find all kinds of dishes from Arabic, Italian, Greek, Mexican, Indian, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Thai or Korean dishes. And last but not the least is the "Shopping" in Dubai, the journey remains incomplete if you haven't done shopping in Dubai. You can choose to spend your money in traditional souks or in the ultra-hip modern shopping plaza, you can buy things you like at Dubai Mall, the world's largest shopping center. The voice of top brands, shiny boutiques and busy shoppers makes the retail markets a vibrant place.

After reading what to see in Dubai, you should not be late in visiting this most attractive tourist destination. Just book an inexpensive airline ticket and get out on this trip.

So this is our first blog on Dubai and we tried to tell you the most favoured tourist destinations travellers can visit in Dubai, we will continue from here onwards with our next blog on Dubai. If you want to know more or want to have the blog like this then please do write to us with your valuable feedback or suggestion, We thanks our readers for reading this blog, I hope this blog has given you the relevant information which you might have been looking for? If you like this blog then we would request you to share, like and comment and please do subscribe our blog channel.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

 Motorola Moto Z2 Force

As you all know that Motorola, has already launched its flagship brand "Moto Z2 Force" in leading countries and now this smartphone has been launched in India as well. The leading mobile maker company "Motorola" has launched its new smartphone Z2 Force and the new phone is being described as an upgrade version of the Moto's smartphone 'Force'. 

Motorola has introduced the Z2 Force with a shatter-proof display, which you can say is the key feature of this smartphone. Now it has been introduced as a limited edition in the Indian market. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor with 835 SOC. So let's begin with the features of this device.


If you talk about the display of this phone the body is made of aluminium, as well as water replicant coating. It has a 5.5-inch display screen and a 1440x2560 pixel resolution with a QHD (Quad High Definition) display. There will not be any problem if the phone gets scratched. The company is guaranteeing a 4-year guarantee on the screen breakage if and when the Motorola phone falls.

RAM and Processor

This new smartphone is offered in 4 GB and 6 GB RAM, which runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor and you get 64 GB of internal storage. There is 128 GB internal storage with 6 GB RAM.


It comes with two rear cameras of 12-12 megapixels and these cameras are equipped with Sony's IMX 386 Image Sensor, which come with Aperture Focus of  2.0. Moto Z2 Force has a front camera of 5 MP for selfie enthusiasts and lovers.

Connectivity and Battery

If we talk about the connectivity features, the phone has 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. The fingerprint sensor is integrated into the home button itself. To give power to the phone, 2730 mAh battery is provided. This battery comes with a 15-watt turbo power charger. Motorola claims that the battery backs up all day.

Price / Cost

When it comes to the price of "Moto Z2 Force" it has been launched in the Indian market at a price of Rs. 34,999. With this price, this smartphone will get a strong competition with the smartphones already there in the market like OnePlus 5T, LG G6, HTC U11, Shaomi Mi Mix 2 and Nokia 8. This phone will also be available exclusively on E-commerce website "Flipkart". Apart from this, it will also be available at the Moto-Hub store.

Some Other Features

Pogo PIN connector has been provided to make connectivity accessible from various Moto modes in the back of the phone. The phone runs on Android 8.0 Oreo version.

So with these interesting features the "The New Motorola Moto Z2 Force" has been launched in Indian market. So what are you waiting for, just make your mind and go for it and If you want to know more or want to have blog like this then please do write to us with your valuable feedback or suggestion, We thanks our readers for reading this blog, I hope this blog has given you the relevant information which you might have been looking for? If you like this blog then we would request you to share, like and comment and please do subscribe our blog channel.

Friday, February 16, 2018

1. Benjamin Stokes

The England all-rounder was the biggest purchase of the 2018 IPL auction held in Bengaluru, He finds his second Indian franchise Rajasthan Royals who spent a huge amount of Rs 14.5 crore for his services. In his last IPL season, Stokes went to Rising Pune Supergiants for  Rs.14.5 crores to make him the costliest overseas player in IPL history and the second most overall. 

2. Jaidev Unadkat

Jaidev Unadkat becomes the 2nd most expensive player in this IPL season 2018. A huge amount of Rs. 11.5 crore auction went for this young and talented fast bowler from India., In today's time, he is one of the most skilled Indian fast bowlers when it comes to Twenty20 cricket. He would have looked at the IPL auction with renewed energy having been named Man of the Series in India's 3-0 T20I sweep of Sri Lanka last year, Also the franchises would have kept in mind the fact that he finished second on the bowling table with 24 wickets in 12 games in IPL 2017, having that kind of accuracy and potency has been rewarded, and Rajasthan has in their squad a very fine bowler.

3. KL Rahul

KL Rahul fortunes have turned in this IPL 2018, he was bought by KXIP for a bulk amount of Rs. 11 Crore as he finds a new IPL home in Mohali, having played for Royal Challengers Bangalore before this. He also left behind KXIP's earlier acquisition of R Ashwin for Rs 7.6 crore.  In 2016, Rahul became the third Indian to score international centuries in all three formats and last year and was India's third-highest run-getter in T20Is with 279 at a strike-rate of 140.90, with three half-centuries. He can open or bat at any top 4 slots, you can say that it was a key purchase by KXIP, who had retained only Axar Patel ahead of the auction.

4. Manish Pandey

Manish Pandey now also joins the league of most expensive players in IPL 2018. He was picked by Sunrisers Hyderabad for a sum of 11 crores, Pandey has also played for Mumbai Indians and Kolkata Knight Riders in the previous seasons of the IPL.

5. Chris Lynn

This Australian batsman Chris Lynn was bagged by Kolkata Knight Riders for a huge amount of Rs. 9.6 crore. He played for KKR in the last edition of IPL as well. In four Big Bash League matches this season, the Lynn scored 127 runs at a blistering strike-rate of 162.82. KKR will hope that Lynn remains free from injury this season, being in previous IPL season he smashed 295 runs at a thundering strike-rate of 180.98 in just seven innings.

6. Mitchell Starc

The Australian left-arm quick fast bowler Mitchell Starc was a staggered purchase for the KKR.  As he went for Rs 9.4 crore to Kolkata Knight Riders. From a base price of Rs. 2 crores his auction raised drastically to Rs. 9.4 crore in a little span of time. He finds his new home in Kolkata as previously he was playing for RCB. This season this fast bowler looks like injury free and fully fit for IPL 2018.

7. Galen Maxwell

This IPL 2018 Auction proved to be lucky for another Australian batsman Mr Glenn Maxwell who was picked up by Delhi Daredevils for the healthy amount of Rs 9 crore. In this auction, there were many teams who were looking to recruit Maxwell for their squad – SRH and Rajasthan Royals being the foremost. But it is Delhi who finally has Maxwell in their kitty.

8. Rashid Khan

The leg spin bowler from Afganistan was bagged by Sunrisers Hyderabad for a whopping amount of Rs. 9 crores. During last year's player auction, Rashid had seen his value soar from a base price of Rs 30 lakh to Rs 4 crore. The teenager repaid the faith by delivering 17 wickets for SRH at an economy of 6.62. As a frenzy ensued for Rashid's services, the SRH table sat silently watching RCB and KXIP raise the stakes. As soon as the hammer went down at Rs 9 crore, SRH used one of their Right-to-Match (RTM) cards to buy him back. The much sought after Afghan player was a part of the same team in the previous edition of the Indian Premier League.

9. Krunal Pandya

The most profitable uncapped allrounder was, not surprisingly, Baroda's Pandya who had smartly set his base price at Rs 40 lakh. Pandya, who was Man of the Match in last season's semi-final and final as Mumbai Indians surged to the IPL title. Mumbai Indians parted with 8.8 crores to have Krunal Pandya in the side. With this, both Krunal and Hardik Pandya will play for Mumbai Indians in this edition of IPL. At 8.8 crore, RCB won the bid for the allrounder but Mumbai, with glee on their faces, immediately used an RTM card.

10. Sanju Samson

Last but not the least in the list is Sanju Samson who was bought by Rajasthan Royals for a massive 8 crore for the 11th edition of the Indian Premier League. Sanju Samson is stocked as a wicket-keeper batsman by Rajasthan Royals and it is a homecoming for the young player!

So, these are the big names to watch for in this 11th Edition of IPL Season 2018, If you want to know more or want to have blog like this then please do write to us with your valuable feedback or suggestion, We thanks our readers for reading this blog, I hope this blog has given you the relevant information which you might have been looking for? If you like this blog then we would request you to share, like and comment and please do subscribe our blog channel.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As you all know that IPL 2018 mega season is all about to begin and the two-day IPL 2018 auction is already over. This auction was conducted on January 27 and 28 in Bangalore. There were around 578 players who were auctioned and a whopping amount of Rs. 431.7 crores were spent by eight franchises for this mega IPL 2018 season. All the eight franchises were present under one roof to rebuild their squad for the upcoming season of the cash-rich IPL. In this IPL 2018 auctions England all-rounder, Ben Stokes was the costliest buy for Rajasthan Royals while Jaydev Unadkat turned out to be the most expensive Indian cricketer at the IPL 2018 auction. As you all might be aware that the IPL 2018  tournament will start from April 1, 2018, so here we are with the list of 8 teams playing in this edition of IPL 2018.

1. Chennai Super Kings ( Total - 25 Players )

MS Dhoni (retained Rs 15 cr), Suresh Raina (retained Rs 11 cr), Ravindra Jadeja (retained Rs 7 cr),Kedar Jadhav (Rs 7.8 cr), Dwayne Bravo (Rs 6.4 cr), Karn Sharma (Rs 5 cr), Shane Watson (Rs 4 cr), Shardul Thakur (RS 2.6 cr), Ambati Rayudu (Rs 2.2 cr), Murali Vijay (Rs 2 cr), Harbhajan Singh (Rs 2 cr), Faf Du Plessis (Rs 1.6 cr), Mark Wood (Rs 1.5 cr), Sam Billings (Rs 1 cr), Muhammad Imran Tahir (Rs 1 cr), Deepak Chahar (Rs 80 lakh), Mitchell Santner (Rs 50 lakh), Lungisani Ngidi (Rs 50 lakh), KM Asif (Rs 40 lakh), Kshitiz Sharma (Rs 20 lakh), Monu Singh (Rs 20 lakh), Jagadeesan Narayan (Rs 20 lakh), Dhruv Shorey (Rs 20 lakh), Kanishk Seth (Rs 20 lakh), Chaitanya Bishnoi (Rs 20 lakh)

2. Mumbai Indians ( Total - 26 Players )

Rohit Sharma (retained Rs 15 cr), Hardik Pandya (retained Rs 11 cr), Jasprit Bumrah (retained Rs 7 cr), Krunal Pandya (Rs 8.8 cr), Ishan Kishan (Rs 6.2 cr), Kieron Pollard (Rs 5.4 cr), Pat Cummins (Rs 5.4 cr), Evin Lewis (Rs 3.8 cr), Surya Kumar Yadav (Rs 3.2 cr), Mustafizur Rahman (Rs 2.2 cr), Ben Cutting (Rs 2.2 cr), Rahul Chahar (Rs 1.9 cr), Pradeep Sangwan (Rs 1.5 cr), Jason Behrendorff (Rs 1.5 cr), Jean-Paul Duminy (Rs 1 cr), Saurabh Tiwary (Rs 80 lakh), Tajinder Dhillon (Rs 55 lakh), Akila Dhananjaya (Rs 50 lakh), Siddhesh Lad (Rs 20 lakh), Aditya Tare (Rs 20 lakh), Mayank Markande (Rs 20 lakh), Anukul Roy (Rs 20 lakh), Sharad Lumba (Rs 20 lakh), Mohsin Khan (Rs 20 lakh), MD Nidheesh (Rs 20 lakh), MD Dinesan (Rs 20 lakh)

3. Royal Challengers Bengalore ( Total - 24 Players )

Virat Kohli (retained Rs 17 cr), AB de Villiers (retained Rs 11 cr), Sarfraz Khan (retained Rs 3 cr)Chris Woakes (Rs 7.4 cr), Yuzvendra Chahal (Rs 6 cr), Umesh Yadav (Rs 4.2 cr), Brendon McCullum (Rs 3.6 cr), Washington Sundar (Rs 3.2 cr), Navdeep Saini (Rs 3 cr), Quinton De Kock (Rs 2.8 cr), Mohd Siraj (Rs 2.6 cr), Colin De Grandhomme (Rs 2.2 cr), Murugan Ashwin (Rs 2.2 cr), Nathan Coulter-Nile (Rs 2.2 cr), Parthiv Patel (Rs 1.7 cr), Moeen Ali (Rs 1.7 cr), Mandeep Singh (Rs 1.4 cs), Manan Vohra (Rs 1.1 cr), Tim Southee (Rs 1 cr), Pawan Negi (Rs 1 cr), Kulwant Khejroliya (Rs 85 lakh), Aniket Choudhary (Rs 30 lakh), Anirudha Joshi (Rs 20 lakh), Pavan Deshpande (Rs 20 lakh)

4. Kolkata Knight Riders ( Total - 19 Players )

Sunil Narine (retained Rs 12.5 cr), Andre Russell (retained Rs 8.5 cr) Chris Lynn (Rs 9.6 cr), Mitchell Starc (Rs 9.4 cr), Dinesh Karthik (Rs 7.4 cr), Robin Uthappa (RS 6.4 cr), Kuldeep Yadav (Rs 5.8 cr), Piyush Chawla (Rs 4.2 cr), Nitish Rana (Rs 3.4 cr), Kamlesh Nagarkoti (Rs 3.2 cr), Shivam Mavi (Rs 3 cr), Mitchell Johnson (Rs 2 cr), Shubman Gill (Rs 1.8 cr), R Vinay Kumar (Rs 1 cr), Rinku Singh (Rs 80 lakh), Cameron Delport (Rs 30 lakh), Javon Searless (Rs 30 lakh), Ishank Jaggi (Rs 20 lakh), Apoorv Wankhade (Rs 20 lakh)

5. Rajasthan Royals ( Total - 23 Players )

Steve Smith (retained 12.5 cr), Ben Stokes (Rs 12.5 cr), Jaydev Unadkat (Rs 11.5 cr), Sanju Samson (Rs 8 cr), Jofra Archer (Rs 7.2 cr), Gowtham Krishnappa (Rs 6.2 cr), Jos Buttler (Rs 4.4 cr), Ajinkya Rahane (Rs 4 cr), Darcy Short (Rs 4 cr), Rahul Tripathi (Rs 3.4 cr), Dhawal Kulkarni (Rs 75 lakh), Zahir Khan Pakteen (Rs 60 lakh), Ben Laughlin (Rs 50 lakh), Dushmanta Chameera (Rs 50 lakh), Stuart Binny (Rs 50 lakh), Aryaman Vikram Birla (Rs 30 lakh), Anureet Singh Kathuria (Rs 30 lakh), Prashant Chopra (Rs 20 lakh), Ankit Sharma (Rs 20 lakh), Midhun S (rs 20 lakh), Shreyas Gopal (Rs 20 lakh), Jatin Saxena (Rs 20 lakh), Mahipal Lomror (Rs 20 lakh)

6. Delhi Daredevils ( Total - 25 Players )

Rishabh Pant (retained Rs 15 cr), Chris Morris (retained Rs 11 cr), Shreyas Iyer (retained Rs 7 cr), Glenn Maxwell (Rs 9 cr), Kagiso Rabada (Rs 4.2 cr), Amit Mishra (Rs 4 cr), Vijay Shankar(Rs 3.2 cr), Shahbaz Nadeem (Rs 3.2 cr), Rahul Tewatia (Rs 3 cr), Mohammed Shami (Rs 3 cr), Gautam Gambhir (Rs 2.8 cr), Trent Boult (Rs 2.2 cr), Colin Munro (Rs 1.9 cr), Jason Roy (Rs 1.5 cr), Daniel Christian (Rs 1.5 cr), Naman Ojha (Rs 1.4 cr), Prithvi Shaw (Rs 1.2 cr), Gurkeerat Singh (Rs 75 lakh), Avesh Khan (Rs 70 lakh), Abhishek Sharma (Rs 55 lakh), Jayant Yadav (Rs 50 lakh), Sandeep Lamichhane (Rs 20 lakh), Sayan Ghosh (Rs 20 lakh), Harshal Patel (Rs 20 lakh), Manjot Kalra (Rs 20 lakh)

7. Sunrisers Hyderabad ( Total - 25 Players )

David Warner (retained 12.5 c), Bhuvneshwar Kumar (retained 8.5 c), Manish Pandey (Rs 11 cr), Rashid Khan Arman (Rs 9 cr), Shikhar Dhawan (Rs 5.2 cr), Wriddhiman Saha (Rs 5 cr), Kane Williamson (Rs 3 cr), Sandeep Sharma (Rs 3 cr), Shakib Hasan (Rs 2 cr), Carlos Brathwaite (Rs 2 cr), Yusuf Pathan (Rs 1.9 cr), Mohammad Nabi Eisakhil (Rs 1 cr), Chris Jordan (Rs 1 cr), Billy Stanlake (Rs 50 lakh), Siddharth Kaul (Rs 3.8 cr), Deepak Hooda (Rs 3.6 cr), Syed Khaleel Ahmed (Rs 3 cr), Shreevats Goswami (Rs 1 cr), Basil Thampi (Rs 95 lakh), T Natarajan (Rs 40 lakh), Bipul Sharma (Rs 20 lakh), Mehdi Hasan (Rs 20 lakh), Ricky Bhui (Rs 20 lakh), Sachin Baby (Rs 20 lakh), Tanmay Agarwal (Rs 20 lakh)

8. Kings XI Punjab ( Total - 21 Players )

Axar Patel (retained 12.5 cr), KL Rahul (Rs 11 cr), Ravichandran Ashwin (Rs 7.6 cr), Andrew Tye (Rs 7.2 cr), Aaron Finch (Rs 6.2 cr), Marcus Stoinis (Rs 6.2 cr), Karun Nair (Rs 5.6 cr), Mujeeb Zadran (Rs 4 cr), David Miller (Rs 3 cr), Ankit Singh Rajpoot (Rs 3 cr), Mohit Sharma (Rs 2.4 cr), Barinder Sran (Rs 2.2 cr), Chris Gayle (Rs 2 cr), Yuvraj Singh (Rs 2 cr), Ben Dwarshuis (Rs 1.4 cr), Mayank Agarwal (Rs 1 cr), Manoj Tiwary (Rs 1 cr), Akshdeep Nath (Rs 1 cr), Mayank Dagar (Rs 20 lakh), Manzoor Dar (Rs 20 lakh), Pradeep Sahu (Rs 20 lakh)

So, this is the final list of  the teams comprising list of the players, also we have shared the salary details of the each players playing in the IPL 2018, If you want to know more or want to have blog like this then please do write to us with your valuable feedback or suggestion, We thanks our readers for reading this blog, I hope this blog has given you the relevant information which you might have been looking for? If you like this blog then we would request you to share, like and comment and please do subscribe our blog channel.

Monday, February 12, 2018

As you all know that mega show of automobile sector named Auto Expo 2018 is currently running successfully began from 9th February and will continue till 14th February 2018. As it happens once-in-two-years, therefore, the auto enthusiasts loving the festival of the new automobile launch. The show is not just about concepts but new vehicles that will launch in India soon after their Expo debut. Yes, the Delhi auto show 2018 is holding a lot of promise for everyone. Keeping that scenario in mind today we will be sharing a list of all the "Top 20 Bike Launched in India Auto Expo 2018" along with details on their launch date, price and little about their specifications. So Enjoy!

1. Apache RTR 200 Fi Ethanol

TVS Apache RTR 200 Fi Ethanol is a revolutionary ethanol-powered motorcycle that has been designed to meet future emission norms. Under the skin, the bike features a fuel-injected single-cylinder 200cc engine that is capable of generating maximum power of 21PS at 8,500rpm and a peak torque of 18.1Nm at 7,000rpm. TVS claims it to have an ascending top speed of 129Kmph. The expected price for the Apache 200 Fi Ethanol is Rs 1,10,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in October 2018.

2. Honda X Blade

The X-Blade looks sharp and edgy with its unique funky design. The motorcycle also gets premium features such as full-LED lighting and digital instrument cluster. The Honda X-Blade will be slotted between the CB Unicorn 160 and CB Hornet 160R in India.
The new Honda X-Blade is the same 162.7cc single-cylinder, air-cooled engine producing 13.93bhp and 13.9Nm of peak torque. The engine is mated to a 5-speed gearbox. The motorcycle is based on the same diamond frame which is seen on the popular CB Hornet 160R. The Honda X-Blade will rival the likes of Yamaha FZ, TVS Apache RTR 160 and Bajaj Pulsar NS160.

The Honda X Blade is expected to launch March 2018 with an expected Ex-Showroom price of Rs. 75,000/- 

3. Suzuki Burgman Street

Suzuki revealed its new premium scooter, the Burgman Street at the 2018 Auto Expo. The Burgman Street is a premium 125cc scooter, and it is the flagship scooter of Japanese brand in several global markets. The Burgman Street is specially developed for the Indian market and is based on the best-selling Access 125. The prominent highlight of the Burgman Street is its maxi-scooter styling with a large apron. The Suzuki Burgman Street is powered by the same 125cc engine seen on the Access 125. Other premium features of the Burgman Street include LED headlamp, digital instrument cluster and unique handlebar design. The scooter looks and feels premium with the amount of detailing and funky design.

The expected price for the Suzuki Burgman Street is Rs 65,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018.

4. Hero Maestro Edge 125

Hero MotoCorp has stepped into the 125cc scooter segment with the unveiling of the new Maestro Edge 125 scooter at the Auto Expo 2018. The new Maestro 125 features subtle cosmetic updates and gets additional features as compared to the 110cc Maestro. Along with the Maestro Edge 125, Hero has also revealed the new Duet 125 at the 2018 Auto Expo. The Hero Maestro and Duet 125 are powered by a 125cc engine producing 8.7bhp and 10.2Nm of torque. The Maestro Edge 125 also comes with premium features such as i3S (Idle Start/Stop technology), digital analogue instrument cluster, LED tail light and external fuel filling cap.

The expected price for the Maestro Edge 125 is Rs 56,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018 or in the beginning of 2019.

5. Aprilia Tuono RS 150

Italian two-wheeler Aprilia has showcased the entry-level Tuono 150 and RS 150 motorcycles at the Auto Expo 2018. Both the motorcycles look like the downgraded versions of the Tuono V4 and RSV4. The Aprilia Tuono 150 is a naked motorcycle with a half fairing, whereas the RS 150 is the fully-faired offering from Aprilia. Both the Aprilia Tuono 150 and RS 150 draws power from a 150cc liquid-cooled, fuel injected engine producing 18bhp and 14Nm of peak torque. Both the motorcycles feature premium build quality with aggressive design and riding dynamics and will be a fitting rival to the likes of Yamaha YZF-R15 V3.0.

The expected price for the Aprilia is Rs 1,50,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018 or in the beginning of 2019.

6. New Yamaha R3

Yamaha has launched the new R3 in India at the Auto Expo 2018. The overall design of the new Yamaha R3 remains the same with signature twin headlamp setup and a large front fairing. But the motorcycle gets new body graphics and colour options which renders a refreshed look to the motorcycle.
The new Yamaha R3 draws power from the existing 321cc in-line twin-engine producing 41bhp and 29.6Nm of torque. The engine is now BS-IV compliant and comes mated to a 6-speed gearbox. The new Yamaha R3 will lock horns with the likes of KTM RC 390, TVS Apache RR 310, Kawasaki Ninja 300 and Benelli 302R.

The expected price for the Yamaha R3 is Rs 3,48,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018 or in the beginning of 2019.

7. Honda CBR 250 & 300R

Honda has updated the CBR250R with 300R and India is expected to get the same model for better competition with TVS, KTM and other mid capacity bikes available in India. After the introduction of Africa Twin and Cliq in India, Honda CBR300R is the closest rival that TVS Apache RR 310 could get in India. Honda has brought back the popular CBR 250R to India at the 2018 Auto Expo. The quarter-litre motorcycle now comes with a new LED headlamp, new body graphics, new colour options and dual-channel ABS. Apart from that, the new 2018 CBR 250R remains identical to the previous model. The new 2018 Honda CBR 250R draws power from the same 249.6cc single-cylinder, liquid-cooled BS-IV compliant engine producing 26bhp and 22.9Nm of peak torque. The engine is mated to a 6-speed gearbox. The Honda CBR 250R will rival the likes of Yamaha Fazer 25 and KTM RC 200.

The expected price for the Honda CBR 250 & 350R is Rs 2,05,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018.

8. TVS Zeppelin Concept

TVS Motor Company has unveiled a new cruiser concept named as Zeppelin at the Auto Expo 2018. The Zeppelin is a futuristic performance cruiser with classic looks and advanced technology. The TVS Zeppelin draws power from a 220cc engine mated to a TVS patented Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) which comes with an e-boost option to start the motorcycle faster. The Zeppelin is also equipped with 1,200W regenerative assist motor with a 48V Li-ion battery which adds to the powerful performance of the cruiser. TVS has not confirmed about the production of the Zeppelin.

The expected price for the TVS Zeppelin Concept is Rs 1,20,000 (Ex-showroom, Delhi) and is expected to launch in second half of 2018.

9. Emflux One

Emflux Motors has launched India's first electric superbike, the Emflux One at the Auto Expo 2018. The Emflux One has priced at Rs 6 lakh for the regular variant and Rs 11 lakh for the top-spec variant with Ohlins suspension, carbon fibre panels and forged alloy wheels. The Emflux One is limited to 199 units for India and 300 units for the global market. The Emflux One draws power from a 3 Phase AC induction motor with liquid cooling which is connected to a liquid cooled 9.7kWh battery pack with integrated high power Samsung cells. The electric powertrain produces 80.4bhp, but it is limited to 71bhp. The pre-orders for the Emflux One will start in July 2018, with the first deliveries to begin in April 2019.

10. UM Renegade Duty

UM Renegade Duty UM Motorcycles has launched the new Renegade Duty at the Auto Expo 2018 with a price tag of Rs 1.10 lakh. The new motorcycle will be offered in two variants Renegade Duty S and Duty Ace. Both the models come with features such as digital-analogue instrument cluster and LED headlight. The UM Renegade Duty S and Duty Ace draws power from a new 223cc single-cylinder, air/oil-cooled engine producing 16bhp and 17Nm of torque. The engine comes mated to a 5-speed gearbox. The UM Renegade Duty will rival the likes of Bajaj Avenger series and could also compete with the Royal Enfield Classic 350.

Likewise these there are other models as well which is launched in Auto Expo 2018. Here is the list of other bikes. 

Triumph Thruxton R
BMW F 750/850 GS
Honda Activa 5G
BMW G 310 R
Hero Xtreme 200R
Benelli TRK 502
Royal Enfield ThunderBird 500X
Kawasaki Ninja 400
Suzuki Hayabusa
Renegade Thor

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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Today we have chosen a topic which is very useful for every traveller visiting India or any Indian visiting these places. India is a country which is known for it's unfolded beauty in diversity. When we talk about vacation destinations in India, it always seems to be infinite, it begins from scenic destinations to historically and culturally soaked sites, from cities bustling with chaos and confusion to destinations offering laid-back and relaxed stays. With having so many destinations to it's a very monotonous job to decide or choose a destination which is really worth to visit. Just to bring you out from this hectic & abeyance situation, Well Well! Relieving you of this situation, we will be telling you a list of top 15 destinations that will make it to the list of ‘Must-Visit’ destinations in India for all the travellers. Let’s now, find out the reasons as to why this is so.

1. Kashmir - Known for its fascinating natural & scenic beauty

Kashmir is considered as one of the most remarkable places in north India, This is the place which is known for its fascinating, eye-catching beauty and is rightly tagged or called as the ‘Second Heaven on Earth’. With its Picturesque lakes, striking fruit orchards, verdant meadows surrounded with thick woods of pines and deodars, lush green gardens teeming with vibrant flowers and captivating valleys enclosed with snow-covered peaks of Himalayan and Pir-Panjal ranges – Kashmir seems to have directly made its way out from a picture postcard. From enjoying a heavenly ‘Shikara boat ride’ on the pristine ‘Dal Lake’, strolling through the beautifully manicured ‘Mughal Gardens’, soaking in the untouched pastoral beauty of ‘Betaab’ and ‘Aru’ valleys, paying your homage to ‘Amarnath ji’ standing amidst the ethereal natural beauty of the tiny hamlet of ‘Chandanwari’, relishing the moment of plucking a fresh walnut at one the ‘Walnut Orchards’, braving the strong currents of River Sind during white water rafting in ‘Sonmarg’ to revelling in the adventure of world’s highest Gondola ride at ‘Gulmarg’ – the magic of Kashmir with its breath-taking vistas is sure to captivate your heart and soul forever. Make sure to buy some of the traditional Kashmiri handicrafts and handlooms items and do try out few of the state’s world-famous ‘Wazwan’ delicacies before returning from a memorable holiday in Kashmir.

2. Leh / Ladakh - Known for its outstanding scenic view and trekking options

Leh Ladakh is called as a land of lofty snow-capped mountains, serene alpine glacial lakes, enchanting valleys and ancient colourful Buddhist monasteries, it is one of the ‘must-visit’ destinations in India for nature lovers and people seeking peace and serenity away from the busy city lives. Being home to plenty of serene alpine glacial lakes, some of the world’s highest mountain passes and high-altitude scenic trekking trails, Ladakh is also a dream destination for intrepid travellers and adventure freaks across India and different corners of the world. Be it the feeling of extreme spirituality and divinity listening to the chants and hymns of lamas in the ‘Hemis Monastery’, the tranquillity of ‘Pangong Lake’ offering an indescribable sense of peace and solitude, an unforgettable adventurous experience of trekking on the frozen ‘Zanskar River’, the fun of a unique sand-dune safari sitting on the back of Bactrian camel discovering the rugged landscapes of ‘Nubra Valley’ or the excitement of spotting a snow leopard in the thick of the ‘Hemis National Park’ – Ladakh has in its store, something for its every tourist. Being part of the colourful ‘Hemis Festival’ is something which must definitely be on the itineraries of every tourist to the mystic land of Leh-Ladakh.

3. New Delhi - Known for its incredible history and centre of Indian politics

New Delhi, "Dil waloon ki Dili" is called a lively capital of India makes for one of the perfect travel destinations in India. New Delhi is also considered as a city of heritage monuments, teeming bazaars and mouth-watering street food reminding you of its rich past from the Mughal era to a city that is today, more cosmopolitan and contemporary with its sprawling boulevards, high-end malls, shopping complexes and luxury hotels & restaurants; Delhi is for sure, a true composition of age-old cultures and present day’s modernization. Be it a stroll through the narrow lanes of ‘Chandni Chowk’ relishing on its lip-smacking chaats, a real shopping fun in the streets of ‘Sarojini Nagar’ or more exotic ‘Delhi Haat’, a heritage walk through the awe-inspiring Mughal architectural masterpieces of ‘Humayun’s Tomb’ and ‘Qutab Minar’, a visit to the 700 years old ‘Hazrat Nizammuddin Dargah’, a lovely experience of relishing on some tasty cuisine sitting at a lake side café in the posh ‘Hauz Khas Village’, a memorable time at the lively ‘Kingdom of Dreams’ enjoying a musical Bollywood night, or a picnic time at the iconic ‘India Gate’; the list of ‘must-do things’ in Delhi has no end.

One of the must-visit destinations in India, a trip to Delhi should definitely be on the travel list for all curious travellers, knowledge seekers and gastronomes looking out for a holiday trip in India.

4. Agra - Known for its unmatched love and extraordinary Mughal architecture

A city immersed in a splendid Mughal charm, Agra needs no introduction. Home to the eternal symbol of love, the iconic and world heritage ‘Taj Mahal’, Agra finds one of the topmost places on the world heritage map. Having to its acclaim of being the only city in the world glittering with three world heritage sites, Agra definitely makes it to the list of popular Indian travel destinations. With its three gems, the impressive Taj Mahal, magnificent Agra Fort and splendid Fatehpur Sikri; the city lures thousands of tourists including historians and art lovers from all across India and the world. From savouring on the city’s authentic and traditional Mughlai flavours, shopping in the lively markets teeming with marble handicrafts adorned with fine inlay carvings and fine leather items, watching the epic of the timeless love between Shah Jahan and his beloved, Noor Jahan coming to life at the ‘Kalakriti Cultural & Convention Center’ to soaking your spirits in the enthralling fiesta of the ‘Taj Mahotsav’, there is much more to do in the historic city of Agra than just exploring its monuments. For a more closer and adventurous face off with this cultural city, get on an off the beaten path journey and explore the narrow alleyways of the old city, ancient temples or visit the renowned poet, Mirza Ghalib’s birthplace.

5. Varanasi  - Know for its spiritual and religious pilgrimage essence

India is a land of cultures, religions and spirituality, therefore, an Indian exploration remains incomplete without a trip to the holiest city of Varanasi. Also known as the city of ‘Moksha’, the place holds a great religious significance for Hindus. Being situated on the banks of sacred river Ganga, the city is believed to be more than 5000 years old. Bustling with enchanting ancient temples and holy Ghats crowded with people performing various rituals and prayers, Varanasi makes for an ultimate spiritual holiday destination in India. From paying homage to Lord Shiva in the famous ‘Kashi Vishwanath Temple’, taking a dip in holy waters of river Ganga absolving your sins, revelling in the spiritual aura of the divine Ganga Aarti during evenings on the ‘Dasaswamedha Ghat’, taking a walk along the Ghats watching life flow by, exploring the chaotic and colourful streets teeming with life to gorging on its delicious ‘Benaras ka Chaat’ and ‘Banarsi Paan’ or indulging in a unique shopping experience of musical instruments and world-renowned ‘Benarasi Silk Sarees’; Varanasi is indeed an incredible place to visit in India.

6. Jaisalmer - Known as "Golden city of India" and showcases Rajputana grandeur

Jaisalmer is known as the ‘Land of Golden Sand’, In Rajasthan, Jaisalmer is a beautiful city known for its rich cultural heritage and stories of bravery and nobility of the great Rajput rulers. An exotic city set amidst endless stretches of golden Thar Desert, Jaisalmer spells a magnetic pull at travellers sitting in different corners of the world. Be it the magnificence of the ‘Sonar Quila’ or the ‘Jaisalmer Fort’ beaming in its full glory, the magical charisma of the ancient ‘Salim ji ki Haveli’, ‘Nathmal ji ki Haveli’ and ‘Patwon-ki-Haveli’ reminding us of the royal grandeur of erstwhile wealthy Rajput merchants, an enthralling experience of ‘Sand Dune Bashing’, a rustic charm of a ‘Camel Safari’ exploring infinite stretches of golden sand or an unforgettable culinary experience of authentic Rajasthani cuisine; Jaisalmer impresses its every visitor with an extensive range of cultural offerings.

The annual ‘Jaisalmer Desert Festival’ is a visual treat to eyes and it makes much sense to plan for a holiday trip to Jaisalmer during this festival. Folk dances, cultural musical performances, campfires under the open starlit sky, enthralling camel shows, local haats selling exquisite jewellery and handicrafts; exuberance and vivaciousness of this gala event can be seen at every nook and corner of the city. One of the most colourful and vibrant places, Jaisalmer, for sure is one of the most striking places to visit in India.

7. Rann Of Kutch - Know for its mesmerizing white desert & astonishing sunset beauty

An enormous stretch of white salt that is submerged under water for 4 months in a year, the great Rann of Kutch in Gujarat is an incredible place to visit in India. With its astounding natural beauty, the world’s one of the greatest salt desert is swarmed by an endless number of tourists every year, especially during the famous ‘Rann Utsav’ when the white canvas gets painted into different hues and shades. Live folk music and dance performances, camel safaris, a rustic stay and a delicious Kutch cuisine make this experience an unforgettable one for every visitor. From walking along vast stretches of white getting a glimpse of salt making process, watching colourful migratory birds in the ‘Chari Daand’ sanctuary, getting breath-taking views of the infinite expanse of the Rann from ‘Kala Dungar’ to seeing the artisans creating magic with their hands making exquisite embroidery pieces; a trip to Rann of Kutch is truly an eye-opener. What adds to the charm of this memorable trip is a stay in traditional ‘Bhungas’ or cylindrically shaped huts with conical roofs in the enchanting ‘Hodka Village’ nearby. Providing you with a feel of a rustic village life, these huts are beautifully decorated with traditional mirror work patterns and delicate latticework. During the night, enjoy a bonfire and watch a folk dance performance under the moonlit sky relishing on the tasty and spicy home-made Kutch delicacies.

8. Aurangabad - Known for its incredible & mindboggling "Ajanta & Ellora Caves"

Aurangabad city is one of its kind cultural fiesta of ‘Ellora Ajanta Festival’ showcasing the talent of the number of dancers and musicians across the country in the backdrop of illuminated 1400 years old caves add to the charm of this historic city and provides one more reason to art lovers for a visit to Aurangabad.

When in Aurangabad, do not give a miss to the lifetime opportunity of adding to your wardrobe, a traditional and exquisite collection of fine hand-woven Himroo and Paithani silk, an exotic speciality of Aurangabad.

9. Sunderbans - Known for its mysterious wildlife density  natural flora & fauna

Home to the world’s largest mangrove forests, inhabited by the man-eating royal Bengal tigers, Sunderbans is one of the most famous offbeat places to visit in India. Situated on the mouth of the mighty Brahmaputra and river Ganges, the forests are also home to unlimited species of other wild animals, reptiles and birds. Evoking a mysterious fervour, Sunderbans has always lured adventure buffs, nature lovers and bird watchers from across the globe. Tracking down a ferocious beast, standing on the deck of your boat navigating through the dense mangroves engulfed in a sheer silence that is only occasionally broken by the whispering of bushes, squeaking of lizards and chirping of birds; the adventure is definitely one of the most exciting and enthralling experiences you can have at Sunderbans. Besides the spine-chilling adventurous journey, a trip to the Sunderbans also offers you an unmatched scenic and bird watching experience that is indescribable in words. Needless to say, a visit to this world heritage site, for sure makes for an unforgettable holiday excursion. As a remembrance to this mysterious world, fresh forest honey and brown rice makes for a perfect buy.

10. Sikkim - Known for its enthralling beauty and vibrant Buddhist Monestries

Sikkim is considered and is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places in India, It is also a glittering gem of the North-East Himalayas. With its enchanting snow-capped mountains, quaint little villages, pristine lakes and vibrant Buddhist monasteries, Sikkim is one of the best destinations in India to spend a peaceful and laid back holiday amidst extreme tranquillity and solitude. Teeming with some of the world’s best scenic trekking trails and rivers ideal for indulging in the real thrill of white water rafting, this little North-Eastern state also makes for a perfect adventure destination in India for trekkers, rafters, mountaineers and rock climbers. Be it the breath-taking panoramas of the rhododendron carpets as you trek to the enchanting ‘Yumthang Valley’, the surreal experience of reaching the ‘Gurudongmar’ and ‘Cholamu’ lakes or an ecstasy of braving the strong currents of River Teesta as you navigate through twist and turns of the torrential river during the white water rafting adventure; Sikkim never ceases to hypnotise you with its serene magic of nature.
This quaint state of India is also a perfect place to go for some meditation sessions at one of the numerous old monasteries, indulge in a thrilling fun of hand-gliding or paragliding, experience a unique ‘Yak Safari’, satiate your taste buds with delicious Sikkimese delicacies, shop till your heart’s desire purchasing incredible Sikkimese handcrafts, thangka paintings and mural items or be part of one of the state’s fascinating festivals.

11. Meghalaya - Known for its panoramic landscapes, foggy hills, cascading waterfalls, serpentine rivers, and terraced slopes

The awe-inspiring and claustrophobic caves of ‘Krem Mawsmai’ is another tourist attraction in Meghalaya that leaves you spellbound with its impressive shapes of stalactites and stalagmites formed over hundreds of years. You will also be amazed to know that ‘Mawlynnong’, the cleanest village in India is also a part of this beautiful state. Offering some of nature’s finest and incredible vistas, man-made artistic splendours and an experience of a rustic village life, all topped up with a dollop of delicious local food; Meghalaya for sure makes it to the list of must-see places in India.

12. Kerala - is known for its  miraculous natural wonders, man-made feats and vibrant culture

Pristine backwaters, coconut fringed beaches, rejuvenating Ayurvedic massages and colourful festivals; Yes! You guessed it right. I am talking about the God’s own country, Kerala, one of the most picturesque places in India with a footfall of thousands of tourists every year. Tucked between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, Kerala has been blessed with immense natural beauty. Besides serene backwaters and pristine beaches, Kerala is also home to the scenic hill station and numerous wildlife sanctuaries. Offering an umpteen number of tourist activities, a trip to Kerala is a ‘must-have’ experience for every traveller across the world. From memorable houseboat stays on backwaters of Alleppey, nature walks through lush slopes and sprawling tea gardens of ‘Munnar’, thrilling elephant rides at the ‘Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary’ to watching mesmerizing Kathakali performance at the ‘Kathakali Centre’; Kerala is a destination worth visiting once in a lifetime.

When in Kerala, you simply cannot miss gorging on the aromatic Kerala food served traditionally on banana leaves or experiencing a rustic stay in a tree house. A vibrant temple festival showcasing the cultural legacy of the state or observing the massive Chinese Fishing nets being operated by the fishermen on the beach of Fort Kochi is also something you will find only in Kerala.

13. Goa - Known for gorgeous beaches, late night party's, seaside food and  architectural designs, old churches, buildings

Lying on the western coast of Indian Peninsula, Goa is a mix of natural andcultural heritage. Until the year 1961, Goa was under the Portuguese rule that greatly influenced its architecture and lifestyle. Sun-kissed sand, the azure Arabian Sea and clear blue skies, all of it beckon thousands of tourists to this vacation spot. Be it surfing, sightseeing or partying, there are innumerable fun activities to be indulged in with Goa tour packages. Goa can easily be reached by air, train or road. Goa Airport, more commonly known as Dabolim Airport, is approximately 30 kilometres from Panjim – the state capital. The scenic Dudhsagar Waterfall, located on Mandovi River, is one of the most precious gifts of nature to Goa. This four-tiered, 600 metres high waterfall gushes down with astounding force and magnificence, rendering itself a sight to behold. Tourists flock the idyllic beaches of the state, including Morjim, Chapora and Anjuna. The state is also abundantly blessed with splendid cultural heritage. With Goa tour packages, do not forget to visit Se Cathedral, Basilica of Bom Jesus and Shantadurga Temple. The primary seafood cuisine of Goa is also a highlight among tourists. A family tour and honeymoon holiday in Goa can be made memorable by partaking in every beautiful experience this coastal state has to offer. Enjoy a sunbath on the sandy beaches or witness an inexhaustible party spirit. The magical charm of Goa lies in each one of its aspects, be it the endless sea, incredible landscapes, irresistible food or the enthusiasm with which locals live. This remarkable beach destination is certainly one of the best and most-lovable tourist spots in India.

14. Mysore - Known for its rich cultural charm and ornate palaces and gardens

Considered to be the cultural capital of Karnataka in South India, Mysore is a historic city known for its ornate palaces and gardens. Fast developing as an IT hub, the city still retains its old world cultural charm. From the city’s streets soaked in the fragrance of perfumed incense, boulevards teeming with stalls trading exquisite sandalwood carvings, markets lined up with shops selling beautiful silk sarees to sweet shops queued with hordes of customers waiting to have their share of the delicious ‘Mysore Pak’ – every nook and corner of the city seems to be so full of life. Needless to say, every attraction of Mysore unfolds a new story related to the city’s glorious past: whether you walk past the elaborate pathways of the magnificent ‘Mysore City Palace’ dazzling with thousands of bulbs against the dark night sky, take a relaxing stroll through the sprawling ‘Brindavan Gardens’ lined up with musical fountains along the pathways, witness the sheer extravaganza of a royal procession of colourfully decked up elephants during the world famous ‘Mysore Dasara Festival’, take a climb up to the ‘Chamundeshwari Temple’ perched on the ‘Chamundi Hill’ or get awe-struck with the spectacle of the well preserved ‘Hoyasala Temples’ in Somnathpur; the city of Tipu Sultan continues to fascinate you with its rich cultural heritage.

Providing you with an unmatched travel experience, a visit to this beautiful city is a must for every travel enthusiast, both national and international.

15.Andaman & Nicobar - Known for its majestic islands and immensely rich flora and fauna

Known for their picturesque beauty with pristine beaches, azure waters and verdant forests, Andaman & Nicobar are a group of more than 500 shimmering islands tucked in an infinite expanse of the Bay of Bengal. Relatively unexplored, these islands have that enigmatic charm to them that lures thousands of tourists every year. Packed with an array of interesting activities, a holiday in Andaman & Nicobar is sure to be one of the best vacations in India. Asia’s best beach, ‘Radhanagar Beach’ on the ‘Havelock Island’ is a paradise for honeymoon couples who can be seen here immersed in romantic walks holding each other’s hands and witnessing the beautiful sunset. For water sports lovers, the azure waters teeming with a diverse marine life and coral reefs, offer a perfect ambience to indulge in some world-class scuba diving and sea walking experience. If you are looking out for an adventurous twist in the serenity of these beautiful islands, go for boat safaris through thick mangrove forests leading to dark limestone caves at the ‘Baratang Island’, take a challenging trek to the ‘Saddle Peak’ snaking through scenic terrains and thick forests sighting few exotic colourful birds or camp under the open moonlit sky and try your hands at a bar-be-que experience of cooking your own fresh catch of a fish or crab.

So these are the top 15 places where you must visit when you are planining for a holiday vacation in india, If you want to know more or want us to write blog like this then please do write your valuable feedback or suggestion. We thanks our readers for reading this blog, I hope this blog has given you the relevant information which you might have been looking for? If you like this blog then we would request you to share, like and comment and please do subscribe our blog channel.

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